A Winged Victory for the Sullen's new album receives praise
7th januar 2020

In november, Adam Wiltzie and Dustin O'Halloran's neoclassical duo A Winged Victory for the Sullen released their first proper album in nine years,The Undivided Five, where they pay tribute to the mystical painter Hilma of Klint.
The album has scored a 7.5/10 rating on Pitchfork, being praised as "lush and orchestral, with rich bass notes in the piano and intimations of violin solos, but also mystically steeped in ambient music’s eternal present."
"The Undivided Five trembles on a threshold between sorrow and joy, ending and beginning, life and afterlife. Aching strings emerge like fated events from the everyday seep and curl of passing time. Long minutes pass by dredging up one vast, submerged chord. Each track is its own study in loneliness, yet each is in communication with the others, like spirit mediums."
Read the full review here.
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