Christine Börsch - Supan


As a singer, composer and sound artist in various contexts of the Performing Arts, as well as with the avantgarde pop band HOPE, Christine Börsch-Supan combines sound art, voice, installation and performance in her work. She is interested in creating a sensory and holistic experience, using sound as a pro- tagonist material, which links the elements of subject matter, space, artist and audience. In her collaborations, she works with situational objects and the performers‘ bodies as sound material, as well as the possibilities of spatializing sound. As a solo artist, she focuses on working with the voice and her own body. 

In recent years she has created the sound installations „Birth Of An Ongoma Drum“ (MARKK Hamburg, 2023), “Usambaraveilchen” (Spielart Festival 2021), “The Fish Who Found The Sea” (music and dance theater, State Opera Munich, 2022), „Snitmønster“ (dance and music performance for deaf and hearing audiences, FELD Theater Berlin, 2022) and „re- member“ (dance piece for intergenerational ensemble, Kampnagel, 2020).

Within the long-term collaboration with Sandra Man & Moritz Majce the spatial choreographies „Festung/Europa“ (Sophiensäle Berlin, 2016) “Narziss Echo” (Impulstanz Vienna, 2017) and “Narkosis” (Open Spaces Berlin, 2018), the immersive concert installation „Hope + Moritz Majce“ (Pop-Kultur Berlin, 2018) were developed as well as the video and sound installation „Choros III/Koroška“ (Kunstraum Lakeside, Klagenfurt 2017).

For her solo work „The Ritual Within“ she received a residency at the European Center Of The Arts Hellerau, premiering an installation and live-performance there on February 18th, 2023.

Christine Börsch-Supan was born in Herdecke, Germany in 1987. She studied voice and earned a master’s degree in Digital Music Production and Sound Studies at the Conservatory Of Würzburg, Germany. Since 2013 she lives and works in Berlin, pursueing solo work and collaborations as a performer, composer and sound artist. As singer and songwriter of the band HOPE she has toured throughout the EU, UK and USA, and has published two albums.